Our LOCAL HEROES project portrays in words and pictures people who – each in their own special way, but always with great passion – work for their fellow human beings and thus ensure better participation and strengthen cohesion in the Weddinger neighborhood around the Gesundbrunnen elementary school. With our project, we want to draw attention to personalities who really make a difference with their commitment to local people.

_ 2024

LOCAL HEROES: Mütter – Project presentation with staged reading and photo exhibition

on Wednesday, 22.05. 2024 at 17:00 in the Uferstudios (Studio 1), Badstraße 41a, 13357 Berlin

Admission is free, reservations and further information at: assistenz@lunapark.works

approx. 50 minutes, no intermission

Reading: Dorothee Krüger, Christina Tzatzaraki
Coordination and project assistance: Elisa Schwis
Photography, photo editing, video and documentation: Giovanni Lo Curto
Copywriting, editing and proofreading: Kai Pichmann
Graphic design: Dimitra Giannikouli, Kai Pichmann
Sign language interpreter: BGBB e.V.
Technical direction: Uferstudios
Artistic direction: Kosmas Kosmopoulos

LOCAL HEROES: Mütter is a production of the LUNA PARK e.V. initiative in collaboration with Gesundbrunnen-Grundschule, funded by Aktion Mensch. As in the two previous LOCAL HEROES projects, children and young people from the neighborhood played a key role in selecting the people to be portrayed and in preparing the interviews. At their request, this time the focus was on people who have a very special meaning for all of them: their mothers. For LOCAL HEROES: Mütter, sensitive portraits were created, each of which is as personal as it is unique, and yet they all have one thing in common: they show how incredibly important mothers are – on a small and large scale, for their children, for their family, for our society, in short: for all of us.

The presentation of LOCAL HEROES: Mütter in the Uferstudios presents excerpts from the portrait texts in a staged reading, accompanied by a selection of photographs taken during the interviews with the people portrayed.


LOCAL HEROES II – Project presentation with staged reading and photo exhibition
on Wednesday, 25. 01. 2023 at 5:00 pm at the youth club Badstraße, Badstraße 10, 13357 Berlin.

Reading: Nadire Y. Biskin, Ilona Raytman
Photography, picture editing, video and documentation: Giovanni Lo Curto
Interviews and texts: Mirjam Wittig
Editing and project assistance: Kai Pichmann
Editing: Anna Königshofer
Graphic design: Dimitra Giannikouli, Kai Pichmann
Technical direction: Jugendclub Badstraße
Artistic direction: Giovanni Lo Curto, Mirjam Wittig, Kosmas Kosmopoulos

LOCAL HEROES II was realized by the initiative LUNA PARK and carried out by the author Mirjam Wittig and the photographer, photojournalist and videographer Giovanni Lo Curto in collaboration with the artistic director of the initiative, Kosmas Kosmopoulos. The project was sponsored by the “Urbane Künste” educational network of the Mitte district office, which is funded by the “Securing and Strengthening Local Educational Networks on a Sustainable Basis” program of the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs. The project was supported by the Gesundbrunnen Primary School and the Badstraße Youth Club, among others.


LOCAL HEROES – Project presentation with staged reading and photo exhibition
on Friday, 21. 01. 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ballhaus Prinzenallee, Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin

Reading: Freya Kreutzkam, Kateryna Shatsyllo, Jonas Broxtermann
Text editing: Sonja Heller
Photography, picture editing, video and documentation: Giovanni Lo Curto
Equipment and dramaturgical advice: Kosmas Kosmopoulos
Graphic design: Dimitra Giannikouli
Technical direction: Ballhaus Prinzenallee
Project assistance and communication: Judith Rohleder
Artistic direction: Sonia Heller, Giovanni Lo Curto, Ulrike Kumpe

The first edition of LOCAL HEROES was realized by the initiative LUNA PARK and directed by the photographer, photojournalist and videographer Giovanni Lo Curto and the authors Sonja Heller and Ulrike Kumpe. The project was funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe as part of its open-discipline impact funding for the diversity development of Berlin’s cultural sector and supported as part of the project “Dance and Theater in the Neighborhood” by the program Education in the Neighborhood (BiQ) as well as by the Gesundbrunnen Elementary School, the Ballhaus Prinzenallee and the Youth Club Badstraße in Berlin-Wedding.